Sunday, January 11, 2009

What happened to shades of gray?

Lately all this talk about TV tokenism has got me thinking about what we in our "politically correct" society consider to be racist or prejudice. I feel that when looking at something like tokenism, people tend to see things in a very definite, yes or no, manner. For example in response to the question is TV tokenism a problem? You could say that yes it is, because it shows that people in a minority group(Racial minorities, homosexuals, women..)are all interchangeable, and that it encourages people to see the group label and not the person. However you could also argue that tokenism ensures that people from minority groups that might normally be passed over are getting on TV, and that it is a step toward minorities having a more central role on TV. So, I think there are always more than one side to issues of prejudice, but that often people are so worried about saying anything that could make them sound prejudice that they look for some definite, black and white argument to prove that they're not. For example I've over heard someone say, "I'm not racist I've got lots of black friends." This statement could be interpreted in a number of different ways. You could say, the fact that they are talking about their views of a few individuals to represent their views of all African Americans is racist because it's talking about those friends as a group, and not as individual people. Or this could be seen as the racial differences don't matter to this person, he's friends with these people because he likes them as people. Now I'm not saying one point is right and one is wrong, I'm simply saying that we need to see things from different perspectives, and not see things in such deffininte terms.


OC said...


Good post. I wouldn't be afraid to take sides here, though. What's the matter with saying that one point of view is wrong?

S. Bolos said...

I'm with Doc OC on this one, Ellery. When someone says, "I have black friends", does that really mean they can't possibly be racist? I think you are able to make guess what's really the subtext.

As for the tokenism. I guess it depends on how you define progress. Are things "good enough" now so that minorities and other advocates should just "shut up" and be happy for the bones thrown at them? Or do you believe we can do better as a society? I'm (obviously) partial to the latter :)

Judy Gressel said...

Ellery there is no evidence on Noodle Tools for your sources.

There is no blog post about your Jr. Theme topic.

Makes me think you've done nothing so far. This can't possibly be true??