Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting carried away...

During class we talked about how the army mainly targets low income minorities for recruitment. In that discussion many people accused the army of taking advantage of those people and "forcing" them into enlisting by making them feel that because of their economic circumstances they had no other options.
Now, I think that it is terrible that the army uses propaganda like advertisements and video games that glorify war to give people a false impression about just how horrific it can be. However, I think that saying the it is the army that is making low income recruits feel that they have no other option is taking it a step too far. The majority of the people who are in those types of circumstances already felt they don't have other choices, because they have been told by society at large, which could include family, people in their communities, the general media... To say that the military is what is really behind the whole notion, and that if not for them these people would find better ways to live, is ridiculous. Also, don't the people who are enlisting have any personal responsibility to find out some information about what they're signing up for? Beyond that of simply listening to a recruiter or watching a TV add?

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