Monday, October 6, 2008

Say How?

I've been thinking about our discussions in class about how writers use word choice to put in "secret messages" and it got me thinking about all the non-writen secret messages we recive. For example if you are watching an interveiw on the news not only what questions are asked, but how they are asked can change it's meaning. For example in an interveiw if the interviewer asks a question useing a negative or angry tone that sends out a different message to the interviewie than if they ask that question with a positive tone. Can you think of an circumstance where how a question was asked has sent you a hidden message? (ie. Teachers, parents,ext)


S. Bolos said...

Oooh, that's good. Sometimes teachers get asked about where they went to school in a tone that sounds innocent, but sometimes implies a judgment about qualifications.

Other non-verbal secret messages are often body language-related. What if someone leans forward in a conversation while another leans back? What messages are being sent in this situation?

Kate H said...

This is a great! With seacret messages in questions its not hard to connote what the questioner is thinking beacuse we can hear it in there tone. I always get the question "How old are you?" and for that question it can ither be judgmental or encuraging. It truely depends of the verbal cues you hear.