Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is it all just talk?

I am an Obama supporter, and I've been listening to information about the election and I've found that some people are saying that Obama's a good speaker, but "that's it." This is usually followed by a list of qualities they believe Obama dose not posses, but I would like to focus on this point. I think that many people underestimate the importance, and power of a good speaker. In fact I think it is necessary for a leader to be a good speaker, because good speakers are the people who inspire, who motivate. And I believe that America, especially in our current economic situation,needs a leader that can motivate the people of this country to help ourselves out of this hole we're in. Historically Americans have accomplished amazing things when we had the proper inspiration and motivation to do so. For example the civil rights movement. And no, the purpose of this point is not to compare Obama to Martin Luther King. It is an example of how people in this country came together and changed the way things were. And I think that now things need to change in order for America to recover and we need a leader who can inspire us to make those changes.


Max Rice said...

If America needed just a good speaker then Tom Cruise would run for President and Steven Spielberg would shoot his ads and write his speaches. You right the power of motivation is a good quality to have for a presedential nominee but Americans should be motivated good ideas not good posture. Both Obama and McCain want to make changes, but will the changes that they plan to make effect America for the better are worse? As Groucho Marx says "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."

Kimber said...

Max, you make a good point that the President of the United States needs to have more substance than just being a good speaker, but I agree with Ellery and believe that we do need a leader that can motivate the people of this country. I think that being a good speaker is a critical element in the run for President. The President will represent all of the United States and should be a good speaker, inspirer, and motivator. I am not disagreeing that a President should be more than a good speaker and it is their ideas that are most important, but it is crucial for them to speak well and have a good presence.